Metal and Rock bands like Septuagint - Flatline - wild little willy.
Cees grew up in the 80ties and there started his love for 80ties metal and rockbands like Toxik,Dark angel,Overkill,Metallica etc.
He started to play in bands and did many gigs.
But his daytime job got in the way and needed to quit.
His passion stayed for music so in the free time he had started to record some bands at his home,but there was a big problem: NEIGHBOURS! The big amps where too loud (and we all know they go to eleven).
Time changed now,because amp modelling has come along way now and used in a lot of big studios.
Here his new passion started:Creating Rigs with amp captures to get the best sounding rigs.
Current Gear:
For gear he now uses te headrush prime, laney lfr-212 frfr,Studio headphones and alot off guitars like a evh wolfgang.
To his disposal he has many guitar amps and mics at the music shop.
Check out all presets by Cees Beekhuyzen